Monday, March 28, 2011

Island Hopping: Coming Home

This photo was taken when we were on our way back to Sta. Ana Warf, Davao City from our Island Hopping adventure. I took this photo using a regular colored setup from my DigiCam. After that, I used Photoscape to set it to grayscale and add some final touches.

Island Hopping

  • Boat Rental: PHP6,500 - good for 28 passengers 
  • Snorkel and Goggles Rental: PHP 100
  • Life Vest Rental: PHP 30 - free 5 vest 
  • 7-8am departure from warf
  • 4-5pm coming back to warf
Make your way to Sta. Ana Warf, Davao City and you would stumble upon numbers of shops which offers Island Hopping and other services. It's a best practice to make reservations long before your planned adventure date. 

Dady Long Legs on the DigiCam, Khyqo on Cigarette and Thanks to PicLyf


scribbler said...

Nice photo!

Unknown said...

thanks man!..^_^

kenneth said...

hehehe d best kau ang pic ni efrel. talagsaon kau.